Guess Number
In this exercise you will practice
- writing simple console programs,
- using objects of classes from the Java standard library,
- basic console input/output (IO), and
- control structures.
Problem Description
You like guessing secret numbers and your friends won’t play with you.
Solution Description
Write a program that randomly chooses a secret number from 1 to 10 and asks the user to guess the number.
- As long as the user guesses incorrectly or doesn’t enter “quit” the program should keep asking the user to keep guessing.
- If the user guesses the correct number then, before exiting, print “Yay! You guessed it. It was N.” where N is the randomly chosen secret number.
- If the user guesses incorrectly print “Higher” or “Lower” depending on whether the secret number is higher or lower than the guess.
- If the user quits before guessing correctly print “Lame. It was N.” where N is the randomly chosen secret number.
Tips and Considerations